
3 most profitable vending machine models nowadays

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Does vending machine business have potential? That is always the first question investors ask before deciding to implement this business model. To become a successful operator besides the ideal installation location, businesses must also pay attention to their product category.

Let's learn about the 3 most profitable vending machine models nowadays with Dropfoods through the following article.

3 most profitable vending machine models nowadays

Snack and Beverage vending machines

These are the 02 models that bring in the most revenue in the vending machine market. Investors can choose to trade only snack, beverage or combine these two products like Dropfoods smart vending machines.

The products sold mainly in this machine are cakes, snacks, dried fruits, candies or bottled water such as soft drinks, mineral water, coffee, juice, milk,... In Vietnam, this model is widely installed in amusement parks, commercial centers, hospitals, schools, supermarkets, parks, office buildings and quickly won the trust of consumers. Depending on the installation location, investors can change the items for sale to meet the demand of their customers.

With low investment cost, quick return on capital, suitable for installation in many different locations, snack and beverage vending machines are the first choice of investors when starting vending machines business.

Healthy vending machines

The trend of healthy living “healthy" and eating clean "eat clean" has developed strongly in Vietnam in recent years, especially during the Covid 19 pandemic. Grasping this trend, some vending machine operators have launched the fresh orange juice vending machine model and attracted the attention of many consumers.

Typically, it is the IJOOZ orange juice vending machine. Since appearing in Vietnam, IJOOZ has blown a new breath for healthy believers. With fresh oranges that are chilled and pressed automatically on the spot within 45 seconds, customers already have a glass of pure orange juice without sugar, ice and preservatives.

Thereby, it can be seen that the healthy vending machine is a fully potential business model. Investors may not need to invest in a fresh orange juice vending machine but only need to buy a smart vending machine then distribute healthy foods such as vegan, plant-based, sugar-free, low-calorie and gluten-free foods.

Although the cost to import this product category is quite high compared to cakes, sweets and soft drinks, it has created a business advantage for investors when there is less competition along with the increasing demand of customers for healthy products, operators can safely develop this model without worrying about capital loss.

Vending machine for essential products

It can be said that the Covid pandemic has changed the behavior of consumers, as nowadays customers want to shop quickly without having to interact with many people. Grasping this trend, operators can sell personal items such as shampoo, shower gel, toothpaste, razors,.... at their vending machines. This not only meets the needs of customers but also helps investors earn large profits when becoming pioneers in this business model.

Additionally, investors can also distribute essential medical products such as masks, face shields, hand sanitizers, or common medicines like fever reducers, pain relievers, cough syrups. A good example to demonstrate this is a very potential business model is that Dropfoods has distributed masks and hand sanitizers at machines placed at supermarkets, schools, office buildings, commercial centers. In just a short period of time, these two items quickly became the best-selling products and needed to be loaded continuously to meet the great demand of users.

From that, it can be seen that the vending machine of essential products can bring in huge revenue. Just by identifying the most needed items by consumers then installing the machine in high-traffic areas, operators can gain profits without spending too much on investment.

In general, the vending machine business model is not difficult but it is not easy either. In addition to these 3 most profitable vending machine models, investors can choose to distribute other product lines by identifying consumer shopping trends and installing the machine at suitable locations to maximize their revenue.