
Special vending machines

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Vending machines are increasingly popular and commonly known for their models such as beverage vending machines, fast food vending machines, snack vending machines, coffee vending machines,... However, on the market nowadays there are also many types of special vending machines with different designs and functions. Let's take a look at these machines!

Special vending machines

Pizza vending machines

The pizza vending machine is a modern and popular model in many countries around the world. After receiving the money, the machine will bake and produce a hot and delicious pizza in just 3 minutes.

Healthy vending machines

The healthy vending machine will sort food and drinks according to the health benefits so that customers can easily choose.

Orange juice vending machine

The orange juice vending machine will provide customers with refreshing cups of orange juice, helping to meet the needs of refreshment and good for health. With a simple purchasing method, customers only need to put money into the machine and receive it.

Ikea's vending machine selling furniture spare parts and accessories

One of the special vending machines is a compact furniture spare parts and accessories
vending machine, making it easy for customers to buy goods quickly.

Baguette vending machines

Baguette is a long, crispy, delicious, and famous bread in France. Baguette vending machines will provide customers with hot loaves of bread.

Automatic laptop rental machine

This is one of the special automatic vending machine models. This machine is not used for sales, but it will rent out laptops to customers and are often located in libraries.

French fries vending machines

This is a vending machine that specializes in hot french fries only. It allows you to buy in large or small quantities depending on your needs.

Meat vending machines

The meat vending machine will specialize in providing a variety of meats, sealed in boxes and refrigerated. With this vending machine model, customers will easily buy meat quickly without having to go to the market or supermarket.

Umbrella vending machines

This vending machine is located in Japan. The machine will provide a variety of umbrella models, helping to serve customers quickly when it is raining or sunny.

Beer vending machines

Beer vending machine is a special vending machine model, serving customers' beer buying needs 24/7.

Uniqlo jacket vending machines

This is a Uniqlo vending machine that is usually located at the airport.

Pet food vending machines

Pet food vending machine is a unique and strange vending machine model. The machine will provide a variety of pet food for customers.

Fresh flowers vending machines

The fresh flower vending machine will sell a variety of beautiful flower bouquets. You will easily choose and buy flowers quickly with the listed price. This machine is located in Korea.

Cheese vending machines

Cheese vending machines are located in Switzerland, selling a variety of different cheeses.

Medication vending machines

The medication vending machine is also a special machine model. This machine will provide the most common drugs to serve customers quickly and promptly. They are usually located at schools.

Condom vending machines

A condom vending machine is a convenient machine that makes it easy for customers to buy goods without having to hesitate like buying at supermarkets or drugstores. These vending machines are available in Italy.

Shoes vending machines

The shoes vending machine will sell a variety of shoes of all brands, sizes, and colors. This machine is located in London and attracts many customers.

Chameleon Plant Vending Machines

Chameleon plant vending machines are available in Japan. The machine will provide a large amount of clean fresh chameleon plant, meeting the needs of customers.

Banana vending machines

A banana vending machine is currently located in Japan and is receiving a lot of love from customers.

Crab vending machines

The crab vending machine works with an internal temperature of about 5 degrees Celsius, fresh crabs will be in a state of hibernation. These machines are really convenient for people who love eating crabs. They can purchase quickly 24/7 even when the stores are closed.

Therefore, in addition to ordinary vending machines, there are many special and interesting machines in the world. However, to be successful with the vending machine model, you should choose a model that suits the needs of consumers and the culture of your region.