Schools & Training Centers

The placement of vending machines at all school levels or at academic and skill training centers provide many benefits and conveniences for students as well as the school staff.

Vending machines provide hygienic food with verified origin, ensuring a high standard of food safety. The security situation of the schools also improves as students can buy goods on campus without having to gather at diners outside of the school. Additionally, vending machines also help students to get used to a modern lifestyle, getting acquainted with technology through using the machines.

The widespread deployment of vending machines in schools and training centers has very high potential because of the numerous practical benefits that smart vending machines can bring to schools.

Benefits for schools and training centers by placing vending machines

Vending machines bring a professional and modern image for schools and training centers. At the same time, the school can convey messages and information to students through the LCD screen in a fast and easy manner.

If you have concerns about operating a cafeteria at your school because of high costs, usage of space and not difficulties with food hygiene and safety, then Dropfoods vending machines are the perfect solution for you. Students can easily self-serve and buy goods without the need of a seller. There will be no more hustle, big crowds, littering and general disorder. The presence of a vending machine makes it possible for students to make purchases on campus. School administrators and teachers can manage students, food safety and security more effectively.

The application of vending machines in schools and training centers is also an economic solution to help bring passive income sources to the school. Just put the machine in the right place at schools and centers and let it work and earn profit from it. In addition, schools can also generate revenue by letting for businesses and brands rent advertising slots on the vending machines.

It can be said that vending machines are a suitable business model for schools and training centers in the 4.0 era. They create a civilized environment, build the school's brand and are also a source of income to support the school. Therefore, there is no reason to not consider this add-on.

Select a suitable vending machines provider for schools and training centers

Dropfoods a reputable smart vending machine supplier. The company is invested in by Sugar Ventures fund from Singapore, and is proud to be a quality supplier of automatic vending machines in Vietnam, with more competitive prices than other suppliers.

Dropfoods has a team of experienced and professional staff and can provide schools and training centers with service packages such as refilling of goods, maintenance and supply of goods to make the operation of the machines easier.

With the benefits that vending machines bring, Dropfoods believes that the application of vending machines in schools and training centers is an indispensable model that contributes to modernity and efficiency.